
International Relations Office

Mission & Vision

As a leading higher education institution dedicated to high quality of education and training at all levels, Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University (NEVU) is committed to providing international opportunities for collaboration, study, teaching and training for both its students and staff. One of the key objectives for NEVU is to be recognised internationally (NEVU Strategic Plan 2018-2022) and developing productive and strategic international partnerships is fundamental to this objective. The University will ensure that its staff and students actively engage with the internationalisation agenda and benefit from study, visits, conferences, projects and the widest participation in international activities. Besides, Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of the persons belonging to minorities, are core values of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University.

We envisage that the impact of the European Education Area in Higher Education will be seen at Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University in each of the five priority areas:

  1. Providing high quality education and training, at all levels, for all students and staff

Our university aims to improve research skills at all learning levels to inform students’ careers in business, academic, industry, social and ethical enterprise. The impact of our participation will be to increase the numbers of staff and students able to participate in mobilty; by taking part, they will be encouraged into the self-reflection and self-scrutiny that strengthens the quality of our learning and teaching. Enhancing the quality of learning and teaching with an inclusive and innovative approach, without any consideration of sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation and to prevent social exclusion and foster intercultural dialogue is also a core mission of our university. NEVU aims to build best practices in education policy, gather and disseminate knowledge, and advance educational policy reforms at the national, regional and international levels.

  1. Supporting staff in implementing competence-based teaching and learning approaches and encouraging a European dimension of teaching

Our university aims to renew and update the digital and technology-based competences of all staff in response to changes in the world and to support technology use and the development of digital competences in education in line with the Comissions Digital Education Action Plan. Besides, developing international educational programs which are competent for the needs of this century is another key responsibility of our university.

  1. Strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border collaboration

Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University has a number of longstanding partners across the world. International collaborative partnerships are a core element in our broader strategic objectives in regard to teaching, learning and research. NEVU Strategic Plan has a principal objective to increase the size and scope of our international relationships by supporting the ambitious growth targets of our existing partners, strategically seeking new partners with common missions and strategic purpose and developing our presence internationally. We aim to increase the international engagement of students and staff by enabling greater mobility activities. We aim to provide an opportunity to our students to develop their professional, social and intercultural skills, as well as enhancing their employability by study abroad

  1. Transperancy and full recognition

The selection of staff and students will be fully transparent and accountable. The university ensures to provide appropriate support to enable participation of all students and staff. The university aims to ensure full recognition of qualifications and learning outcomes abroad in line with the Bologna Proccess and European Credit Transfer System.

  1. To educate ‘global students’ with the understanding and skills to live and work in a global community, through a broad curriculum and learning environment

The university is aware that inclusive and high quality education and training, at all levels, as well as the European dimension of teaching, are paramount for creating and maintaining a cohesive European society. The university aims to prepare students for a globalised and intercultural world and labour market.

  1. Improving the teaching and learning of Languages

The university is aware of the importance of language skills to create a European Education Area. Thus, the university ensures a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages by working on modernising language teaching and to making it more efficient.