Değerli Öğrencilerimiz,
Erasmus Plus programı kapsamında anlaşmalı olduğumuz Universidade de Vigo (İspanya) tarafından Ofisimize iletilen staj teklifi hakkındaki detaylar aşağıdadır.
From the Erasmus Mundus Green TECH WB project at the Universidade de Vigo (Spain), we would like to introduce to you our Erasmus+ internship/placement offer.
Green TECH WB is an Erasmus Mundus action focused on partner countries in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro & Serbia. GREEN-TECH-WB mobility includes 153 grants (28 for Europeans and 125 for WB) around the triangle: cooperation in higher education, research and innovation and under the umbrella of the thematic field of green technologies. GREEN TECH WB promotes European HEIs as centres of excellence in learning and research around green technologies and drives this excellence to Western Balkan countries in order to contribute to their better governance and social cohesion, as well as to further connect the region to the global economy.
The student trainees at our office will have the opportunity to learn how the Erasmus Mundus European Projects work, by collaborating in all activities regarding our International Cooperation Projects, especially Erasmus Mundus Green TECH WB project, such as:
- communicating with partners involved in this EMundus project;
- communicating with student beneficiaries and applicants in the project;
- helping to disseminate calls and objectives of the project;
- helping with mobility management issues;
- learning administrative management procedures regarding project
- collaborating in the elaboration of the press dossier and creating materials.
During the traineeship period (minimum 2 months, maximum 12 months) the students will be under the permanent guidance and tutoring of the General and Technical GREEN TECH WB coordinators. At the end of the stay, an evaluation report will be prepared for the trainee.
The working language is English.
If interested, students can send their CVs and motivation letters at the following email address:
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