"1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia organizes, from 20th to 24th of September 2021, INNOVATION FOR NEXTGEN EU: AUTUMN SCHOOL, SECOND EDITION.
The Autumn School provides students with 16 classes in a workshop format both in person and online, via ZOOM, and registrations are opened on international.uab.ro until 30 June 2021.
The conference is student-focused, and it is aimed at undergraduate (bachelor) and postgraduate students (master and doctorate) who are invited to deliver presentations on: Sustainable Development and Engineering; Economics for the Future; Open Societies and Contemporary Challenges. The 3 main sections will be further divided in subject areas as described in the attached call for papers.
Selected papers will be published in a Conference Proceedings by a Romanian accredited scientific publisher, with ISSN and submitted for reviews, accreditation, and evaluation processes.
For more details, please visit https://eurep.auth.gr/en/node/2127
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